Monday, June 15, 2009

which days me remember reach whenever... hehehe...

As'salamualaikom... again we in this blog site. I ask apology to friend all because just now I did not can follow meeting untill end. evening just now I go meet with my best friend. since I rub shoulder with someone he I no chance are meeting with she. new La evening recently had leisure are meeting with she.evening just now is my first meeting with her woman since 3 my year rub shoulder with someone she. I know he in my old school when I form four and five.I ablaze rub shoulder with someone she.I hope can be together with he reaches whenever.I very happy today because can meet with those people I very hope able with with him.

A117263 Mohamad Fauzi B. Muadir@ M Noor


dbest09 said... dare you?????haha...i know.are you sure?hehe..i can't imagine that..are you happy?sure right??i pray for you....