Thursday, June 18, 2009


Hello my friends....

Tomorrow we are presented our drama at KB..
firstly..i’m so nervous and tremble..but..i’m so happy when presented our drama is the best although got second number. But it’s ok.. I think, our drama is very setting..syara, haida,dayah,ana, faisal and mar..your job it’s very good and to all my are the best in drama.. to fikri,Zu,Lini..i think you can be an actor for real drama as teater..huhuhu..why not???!!!hehe..and for all actress..your drama show is very good and you all also the best in drama..for narrators..CT and aisyah, you all also the best and thanks a lot..forgot not..for my teachers, thanks for everything because you gave me and my friend support and spirit for drama..thanks a lot..and than, thanks to Zu, because she was patient to gave directions to all of us....

To all my friend..Sorry for last night because i elevate my voice belong our time, i’m so tired and i want to so sorry my friend!!!please forgive me..and to faisal..thanks because you gave idea of good to me and my friend in setting...



dbest09 said...


yaa....really enjoyin our performing drama yesterday morning..i also having a little bit of nervous...actually i can't imagine how i act yerterday...

thakns a lot to our classmates doing very well yesterday...including setting, narrator, actors and actress, props and others...thanks also to our teachers, Madam Gee and Madam Nor Milah for teaching us how to act and how to use our prenounciation..hehheheh...

eventhough we had a few of problem but i know we can handle it very well...i also do a few of mistaken here ,,but lets by gone,, be by gones..thanks guys for giving a lot of support and anything for preparing our drama since three weeks ago....Finally.....

Congratulations to all of you..i am so proud to be one of classmates here in Foundation English : Set 1...

aja-aja fighting....hehehehehe

-haslini binti mohd nor - A119054