Saturday, June 20, 2009


My first step is what course I should choose to study in university. So, I choose a Quranic Education in Faculty Of Education at Malaysian National University. My friends, cousin, brother and sister ask me, “What is it about?”. In short, it is about the Quranic subject and knowledge about it in Islamic Education. It means that I will become an “ustaz” when I finish my study. I think that I’m so lucky because in the same time I also can improve my religious worship to my God. It did’nt means that who take another course not good because actually it depends on the person but for me, I’m worried that I can take care of myself nicely. In this course, I will finish my study in 4 years.

After graduation, it means that I will go to school to start my work as a teacher. So, when I go there I want become good teacher to all my student and I will try my best to teach them until they can be better than me and can go to university like me also. I also hope that I can be a model to my students as a “muslim” and at the same time as a teacher. In my brain, I don’t care the place where I will put on to start my career because as a teacher we must put in our mind that our duty is so important to help a peoples.

At the same time also, I want to be a farmer because it was my second work before when I still in study. I realy like the job because it also can help me to improve my family financial. I don’t think it will disturb my career as a teacher because I only care my livestock in the evening. At another time, merby my friends can help me like before.

When my financial was stabled, I would like to marry with someone who can be a good wife, a good mother to my childrens, and also a good son-in-law. I would like to have many children, might be four, five or more. All my children, I want to send them to religion school first, and after form five they can choose what they want to be and what course they want to take. I take the step because I don’t want they go far from our religion and if they want to be engineer, they must be an Islamic engineer. I want they hold the “islam’ whatever they go. I would like to be a very good father. I would give my children a good upbringing and assist them in everything. I think that being a good parent is a difficult task because there are many things that we must pay attention to. In our family life we should be honest and help each other.

About my house, car or motorcycle, I only wanting medium. I don’t want to be rich, use a expensive car, clothes, shoes, or anything more than another people. Why? Might be people think I’m crazy, and no girl want to be my wife when they know about this, but I still hold that because I don’t want the luxury makes me forget Allah.

When I have enough money, I would like to travel to other countries especially madinah dan mekah with my family. I always dreamt about going there. At the same time, I want to go performing the Haj with my family especially my wife and my parents. I also will help other people the poor because I think that we should help one another, so the living in the society becomes more easily.

I was wrote the future plan in my mind since I was finished my studied in form five. I choose the whole future plan because that was what I want for my live in the future. To achieve its, I will study hard and put all that in my mind every time and might be I can write on paper and put its on my revision table. So, I can look its everyday and its will motivate me.

However, if some of my future plan not achieve, I will try to replace it with another plan. I don’t care about it, because I just hope my life in the future be good and easier.

Lastly, I would like to continue my study at oversea in Islamic course also might be at Syria, madinah or mesir. I also hope that I will be the good son, muslim, husband, father, and teacher.



dbest09 said...

I hope that your dream ceme true to become a good ustaz and a soleh son for your parents and also a good farmer.

Basyirah Hj Hassan.