The Islamic State undeniably have flag (al liwa') and also flag (ar rayah). This is what has been shown by Rasulullah S.A.W during vertical its Daulah Islamiyyah first in Madinah al-Munawwarah. By his language, flag and flag in Arabic mean as( ‘alam ). Follow Kamus al-Muheet, from root word rawiya, ar rayah is al'natural, jama' its (plural) cited as rayaat. Also mentioned from root word lawiya that al liwa' is al'natural, jama'its (plural) cited as alwiyah. By syar'i, syara' had explained that words above having meaning and certain features namely:-
1) Flag (Liwa') is coloured white and stated above its a language ‘La ilaha illallah, Muhammad Rasulullah' with black. Narrated from Ibnu Abbas which said, “That Nabi S.A.W flag coloured black, whereas his flag his colour is white.” Ibnu Abbas's other story according Abi Sheikh with lafadz, “That in Nabi S.A.W flag. written word ‘La ilaha illallah, Muhammad Rasulullah'. During a time of war (jihad), this flag would be held by amir (commander / chief) war. It would be brought and becoming symbol and placed in amir location just now. Evidence which showed the matter was the action (af ’al) Prophet Rasulullah S.A.W. where he is leader (as amir), during city opening Mecca have led and wave white flag together with him Narrated from Jabir, “That Prophet enters Mecca by bringing flag (liwa') coloured white.” [HR Ibnu Majah]. An-Nasa'i also narrate Hadis traverses Anas that when Rasulullah S.A.W raises Usama ibn Zaid as amir (commander) team to Rome, king hand over flag (liwa') to Usama ibn Zaid with bind him own.
2) 2) Flag (Rayah) is coloured black, written above its a language ‘La ilaha illallah, Muhammad Rasulullah' with white. Story hadith Ibnu Abbas above illustrate this case to us. During jihad, this flag is brought by a leader of each unit (either Division, Batalion, Detachment or unit other). Rasulullah, during be warlord in Khaibar, decree that, “i would give this flag (rayah) this to people that love Allah and Rasul, and loved by Allah and Rasul, past Rasulullah give the flag to Ali.” [HR Bukhari]. Saidina Ali karramallahu wajhah at that time can be said to act as chief division
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