Saturday, June 20, 2009


Today, i would like to talk about what our prophet had said, or we call it hadith. He had said that " World is a pleasure place, but as good as pleasure is holy woman( wanita solehah).

So, from this hadith, we got know that holy woman is thw best pleasure(keseronokan), but do we realise about this? Most of us think that the pleasure is like dance, sing, buy an expensive car, get a handsome or beutiful couple, big house, a lot of money, girls and anything. All thats because they forgot that they will die at the end.we not life forever and ever. We must confident and believe that all of us will die and the permanentn place is afterworld. so, what we must do to face that??

Here, i want to discuss about the hadith above. It not just for woman, but for men also.for woman, they must be a holy woman, and for men necessarily they want and they must have an instint to get a holy women.

Do you know who is holy woman? A holy woman not just someone who wear clothes that cover all parts of their bodies,like what was said by fikry hakim before. its just a part of holy woman features. The holy woman is someone who practise all about islam and what was teach by islam in thier life like their religious worship, social intercourse, relationship among human and many more. Someone who wear a full clothes never means that she is a holy woman if she not pactise the whole of islamic rules in their life like.

so, to all my friends, come with me. We go together to get what had said by our prophet. If we get and be the holy woman we will happy in this world and the most important is at the worldafter(akhirat).