Tips Make a Good Student:
- Always go for extra credit even if you are getting a 98% in that certain class. You can always do better.
- Stay focused. Everyone knows school can be boring, but you have got to concentrate on getting focused. Keep your eyes on the teacher, keep your ears open, and take notes. Taking notes will help you think and help you understand what is being taught more.
- Sleep! Sleeping well is essential to keep you concentrated on classes and also on your studies.
- Rewriting notes taken in class is helpful if taking exceptionally hard classes. (Ex. law, economics, engineering etc.).
- Lessons are fun if you pay attention and listen to what the teacher is saying, and if you know about that topic you will feel good, and if you don't know about it, maybe you should study it a little.
- Find out your learning style (ex.visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.) and look online to find out about study habits that match your learning style. You'll be surprised at how much easier it is! But be sure to answer the quiz questions truthfully.
I hope this useful to all of us..
actually i want give my opinion about your post..i also agree with what you post here and i want to add some tips how to make a good student...heheheheh..
despite of that, i think we as a student need to know our ability about something very that we can improve ourself how to gets successfully in our life..we must own a strong spiritual to learn, confident, happily, good personality, dicipline and others...
some of people says the best time we make some revision about our study is learn after perform subuh's prayer...that time are softly situation so that we can give pay attention to our lesson very well...but i don't do that rrrr...i just fallen asleep after that..hehehehe...
that's all for today,,,after this, i will give comment and my opinion to our classmates also about what they post here..heheh..
aja-ajaj fighting..and syara, be a good students k..don't play-play..
-haslini binti mohd nor- A119054
assalamualaikum wr.wb..
lini i agree too with ur opinion..that rigth, the best time to make some revision about our study is learn after subuh's prayer or at midnight(3 a.m)..
of course as a student we should realise will discipline, happily, fighting and other..
thanks lini..
fighting too..
study hard and be a good student..
how to be a good student, we need :
1. have good management time.
2. study smart and study hard.
3. focus and pay attention at the lecture given.
4. study always to improve your knowledge.
5.Do all the exercises and assignment given.
6. often ask a question when have any problem about your subject.
7. lastly, you must back your any problem to Allah and Rasulullah ( Al-quran and As-sunnah ).
Abdul latiif bin ibrahim
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