Saturday, June 13, 2009



guys...did you remember our discussion about man and woman on evening while we do our technical preparation? well...everyone came out with their opinion about responsibility..husband...wife..feminisme.. looked like there had group and had an argumentation between boys group (fikri, halim, fauzi) and girls group (me, aisyah, mardiah, lini, ila, hana). that's was great discussion..hahahaha...

now, i would like to share some opinion as regard to our and woman. however this might a weird and nonsense opinion..but if you try to think it furthermore, it's really happen and it is, here we go...

Why does a man want to have a wife ? because.......
W - Washing
I - Ironing
F - Food
E - Entertainment

Why does a woman want to have a husband ? because.....
H - Housing
U - Understanding
S - Sharing
B - Buying
A - And
N - Never
D - Demanding

I want to add another point which is why man and woman like to say "hello" to each other especially on phone. do you know that simple "HELLO" can be a sweet one? Especially for our loved ones. it is because the word "HELLO" means ;...

H - How are you?
E - Everything all right?
L - Like to hear from you
L - Love to see you soon!
O - Obviously, I miss you... aisyah said, that's nothing wrong if boy or girl wanna know each other closely...eventhough girl start first..beside, nowadays, girl always say "hello" to boys...fikri, you should take aisyah's advice to ask the girl...and...this is my advice for you...don't forget to say "hello" first ok...hehehehehe

==* zul *==


dbest09 said...

salam..zu, we just make a joke yesterday.heheh...why we married??the truth is:
1) to fulfill the human tithe that like each other between man and ALLAH order to follow marriage..
2) to increase a prophet's people in this world.
3) to allow a relationship between man and woman.
4) to love each other between man and woman with legitimate way.

and many more.....and the important is there was not have a appresion to woman.
Almighty Allah Know...


dbest09 said...

hye zul...
your post here sound interesting to me..

i also agree with your post and halim's comment...
we should know all the human being or anything in the world need relation of love...

in my opinion, i think only she or he know how, what, and why they had been in relationship with their own...maybe we had different aim when connecting another to another but it's ok if our parents whether his or her family know each others and agree if she or he declared with together and get married soon...hehehhe...

the important point here is, like boys or girls, woman or man, father or mather, or different gender, they need each other to go through on their life ever and that,...
aja-aja fighting....go.go..g000..

-haslini binti mohd nor - A 119054