Sunday, June 14, 2009

Counter And Reduce Stress

Assalamualaikum wr. wb..

Here are some tips to counter and reduce stress for a more well-balanced life.

1. Eat Well

Our bodies use up enormous amounts of vitamins and minerals when we experience stress. This can leave us tired, run down, irritable and less able to deal with our responsibilities. Vitamins C and B complex, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc are the hardest hit nutrients. These can be restored through a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy products, nuts, yeast, brown rice, fish, liver, kelp and eggs. Food to avoid when stressed include tea, coffee, cakes, biscuits, soft drinks, chocolate and white bread.

2. Exercise

Physical exercise releases endorphins into your body that will make you feel better about yourself and more in control of your situation.

3. Relax

Relaxation techniques are useful to reduce stress. Make time to relax your muscles each day and you will be amazed at how quickly the physical tension is reduced. Relax by listening to music, meditating, playing with your pet, having a nap or reading a good book.



dbest09 said...


yaa...also agree with you with your post here about how to manage stress...

beside...i also have 3 main poin how to overcome stress...hope all of you can follow it and i know we have a different way to manage stress...hehehheh...

first, i think we must pay attention with our feelings...maybe we got sick and in that time, we got stress also...maybe we dom't get enough rest also..
second, you must talk about your feelings..and listen to what others have to can solve your problem and make your stress lack of also..
third, you can share your stress or problem with your faily, members, friends, dctors, health personals and others...actually with that way, we can manage stress even not overall of it..that's all...

aja-aja fighting..go..go..go00..

-haslini binti mohd nor- A119054

dbest09 said...

Assalamualaikum wr.wb..

yes lini..we must to share with someone about our problem that make us stress..

Lini, if u have a problem, sharing with me, InsyaAllah i will help ur problem..hehee...

nice to ur friend..


dbest09 said...

Rasulullah S.A.W had said:when you angry while you stand, you must sit down, and when you angry while you sit, you must recline.after that you must take ablution and perform prayer 2 "rakaat".
so, when we face any problem we back to Allah and our prophet nabi Muhammad S.A.W..