Sunday, June 14, 2009

Choose a good wife

Today i would like to share some opinion about how to choose a good wife. Its espeacially for men out there. If you are looking for a good wife, you want a woman who has regard for ALLAH and bows down in prayer. I see many men make the mistake of getting a non-Muslim woman or a woman weak in her deen, and think he can “Islamize” her to his satisfaction. You should never think you can change a person into what you want. As a matter of fact, you can’t even change some things you don’t like about yourself. Try changing yourself first. And always remember, only ALLAH makes Muslims.

Look for preety in a wife. Look for femininity graced in lady-like character. Look for the type of woman that you would like to raise your children. Would you want a street woman raising your children? I don’t think so. You want a woman who makes your home peaceful and puts the Islamic atmosphere in the house.

You want her to be intelligent. And if she is educated and intelligent, so much the better. I say that because I want to make it known that a woman/person can be intelligent without having formal education. And, on the other hand, a woman can be formally educated and not have the intelligence to peacefully run a household. This human, morally-conscious intelligence only comes from a submissive heart that feeds the mind so that good decisions can be made. This submissive heart is not submissive to man; it is submissive to ALLAH alone, which is guaranteed to make the man happy.

by : hidayah


dbest09 said...


hye dear...,,
actually i think whether boys or girls want their partner is Mr. Right and Mrs. Right ...comfortable to them and can be a good husband or wife...therefore, we must always recite doa to Allah Almighty in order that to get a good person and understanding what we do and others...

in my opinion, as a human being, a different gender ( man and woman ) mutually playing as a role model and make comfortable to one by one...despite of, as a human we should take care to each others for pass on our life successfully as a husband and wife in future life togerther with our children and family...beside ,we must accepted the excess and lack of the personal traits of our pathner cuople as well..


-haslini binti mohd nor - A119054