Wednesday, November 4, 2009

-haslini binti mohd nor-

salam, kepada teman2 ku warga blok ini....selamat menjalani xm final semester ini..jgn lupe..banyaklah ulahkaji...pastikan kalian belajar smart ...walaupun tak kerap, tetapi waktu belaja korang mesti berkualiti..even 20 minit jerk....selamat maju jaya semua....

i'm always remeber all of u....n our yaadein always being in my heart...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

exam telah tiba...
gudLak ya semua....
miss u all...

_Syara JB_

Thursday, October 8, 2009


lamanya x buka blog nie..
rindu ngn blog nie ...
ape2 pun, gud lux semua in b coming exam..


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

SeLaMAt HaRi RaYa AiDiLfitRi ~

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri ...
Maaf Zahir Batin ...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009



takbir lg..Allahuakhbar..!!


pakat undi yaaa,,

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


salam ramadhan n selamat berpuasa kepada member2 ku untuk kursus zh2014 sem lepas.....jga diri..jg ksihatan..bersama r kita mencari sinar Ramadhan...bulan yg berkat...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Undi Nabi Muhammad sebagai terbaik di dunia

layari laman web berkenaan and undilah disana ...

To all friends selamat menyambut ramadhan ..
Jom g buka posa kat masjid..

Monday, August 17, 2009

salam semua...

salam semua..kali ni lini mau share ngan korang tentang....aper kepentingan baca novel...tak kisah r korang baca novel paper pun..hehehehe..yg pentin g korang enjoy ngan kandungan novel tue...

1...bila baca novel korang dapat release tension...

2...korang dapat..ciptakan watak2 sendiri...

3...korang mau jadi penulis novel tue....

4...mula r..korang duk reka watak n perwatakan lainnn...

5...kadang2 korang rasa macam jd pemegang watak tu kan...

6...hehheheeh..korang baca jer...

selamat menelaah novel k..jangan lupe....jaga ksihtan diri k...lini sntiasa mendoakan kebahagiaan korang hendaknya...

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Imam Al-Ghazali menyebutkan tujuh perkara yang boleh menjadi faktor seseroang menjadi sombong dan takabbur.

1. Ilmu
Sombongnya orang yang berilmu disebabkan hatinya tidak bersih. Bila hatinya tidak bersih maka dia merasakan diri besar, dirinya berilmu, dirinya lebih baik dari orang lain, merasakan dirinya perlu dihormati dan dipuji, dirinya sudah sempurna tidak perlukan teguran dan nasihat, melihat dirinya bertaraf tinggi sebaliknya orang yang tidak berilmu lebih rendah, merasa dirinya sahaja yang akan selamat dan hampir dengan Allah. Justeru ilmu ini menjadi punca terbesar sifat sombong dan takabbur jika hatinya tidak bersih.
عن جابر قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "لا تعلموا العلم لتباهوا به العلماء ولا تماروا به السفهاء
ولا تخيروابه المجالس فمن فعل ذلك فالنار النار"
Maksudnya; Janganlah kamu mempelajari ilmu dengan tujuan untuk digelar sebagai ulama, dan janganlah kamu mempelajari ilmu dengan tujuan untuk memperlekehkan orang yang bodoh, dan janganlah mempelajari ilmu dengan tujuan memilih tempat dan kedudukan, sesiapa yang melakukanya dengan tujuan yang sedimikian maka neraka adalah tempatnya.
عن أبي هريرة قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "من تعلم علما مما يبتغى به وجه الله لا يتعلمه إلا
ليصيب به عرضا من الدنيا لم يجد عرف الجنة يوم القيامة
Maksudnya; Sesiapa yang memepelajari ilmu yang dituntut oleh Allah dengan tujuan mendapatkan habuan keduniaan, maka ia tidak mencium bau syurga di hari qiamat.
Allah S.W.T. telah mengingatkan para nabi-Nya dengan firman-Nya:
وَاخْفِضْ جَنَاحَكَ لِمَنِ اتَّبَعَكَ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
Maksudnya: “Dan rendahkanlah dirimu terhadap orang-orang yang mengikutimu, iaitu orang-orang yang beriman.” (Surah al-Syu‘ara: 215).
Selain itu, orang yang berilmu itu wajib beramal dengan ilmunya. Justeru, adalah menghairankan sekiranya mereka yang berilmu itu berperangai dengan sikap takabbur. Tidakkah mereka pernah mendengar sabda Nabi s.a.w. yang mulia:
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه : أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم قال : إن أشد الناس عذابا يوم القيامة
عالم لم ينفعه الله بعلمه
Maksudnya; Sesungguhnya manusia yang menerima siksaan yang sangat berat dihari qiamat ialah orang berilmu yang tidak menggunakan ilmu.
Maka sewajarnya mereka yang berilmu merupakan orang yang paling bersungguh-sungguh menjauhi sikap takabbur dengan mengamalkan ilmu yang dipelajari khususnya ilmu agama..

2. Amal Ibadat
Terkadang orang yang banyak melakukan amal ibadat bersifat sombong dan takabbur kerana merasakan merekalah sebaik-baik manusia yang paling layak mendapat rahmat Allah. Ilmu yang dimiliki tidak dapat membentuk sifat-sifat mulia dan menjauhi sifat takabbur.
Ada juga antara mereka yang apabila sudah terlalu takjub dengan amal ibadat mereka yang banyak berasa bahawa manusia lain yang kurang amal ibadatnya akan binasa.
Rasulullah s.a.w. telah bersabda: “
إذا سمعتم الرجل يقول هلك الناس فهو أهلكهم
Malsudnya;Jika kamu mendengar seorang mengatakan semua orang binasa, maka dialah yang lebih binasa.”
Cukuplah sekiranya kita dapat mengambil iktibar daripada sabda Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.:
لاَ يَدْخُلُ الْجَنَّةَ مَنْ كَانَ فِي قَلْبِهِ حَبَّةُ خَرْدَلٍ مِنْ كِبْرٍ
“Tiada masuk syurga orang yang ada pada hatinya setimbang semut kecil daripada biji sawi daripada takabbur.” .

3. Nasab Keturunan
Ramai manusia menjadi sombong kerana ketuurnannya dan memandang rendah orang lain yang tidak mempunyai nasab keturunan sepertinya. Mereka berasa keturunannya yang terdiri daripada salihin, ‘amilin, hartawan, bangsawan dan sebagainya menyebabkan mereka menjadi manusia yang mulia. Dari Abu Dhar r.a. katanya:
روي أن أبا ذر رضي الله عنه قال قاولت رجلا عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقلت له يا ابن السوداء فغضب
صلى الله عليه وسلم وقال يا أبا ذر ليس لابن البيضاء على ابن السوداء فضل
Maksudnya;“Pada suatu hari aku bercakap-cakap dengan seorang, Aku berkata: “Wahai anak si hitam.” Rasulullah s.a.w. segera menegur, sabdanya: “Wahai Abu Dhar! Tidak ada kelebihannya bagi anak si putih ke atas anak si hitam

4. Paras Rupa Dan Kehebatan Fizikal
Manusia sering besifat sombong apabila merasakan dirinya cantik dan hebat, lalu timbullah rasa takjub dengan keindahan dan kehebatan rupa parasnya. Wajarlah mereka ini merenung sabda Rasulullah s.a.w.:
إن الله لا ينظرُ إلى أجسامكم، ولا إلى صوركم، ولكن ينظرُ إلى قلوبكم وأعمالكم
“Sesungguhnya Allah tidak memandang kepada bentuk dan rupa kamu, tetapi Allah memandang kepada hati dan amalan kamu.” .

5. Harta Kekayaan
Orang kaya merasa sombong bila melihat orang miskin. Mereka merasakan usaha mereka menjadikan mereka kaya sedangkan orang miskin adalah orang yang bodoh dan malas berusaha.
Ada juga di antara mereka menganggap golongan kaya mendapat kedudukan istimewa di sisi Allah S.W.T. Mereka berkata bahawa mereka boleh bersedekah dengan sebanyak-banyak sedekah, sedangkan si fakir miskin itu untuk menyuap sesuap nasi ke mulut sendiri pun masih belum tentu. Mereka lupa sebenarnya Allah telah menempatkan kedudukan yang istimewa kepada golongan fakir miskin yang beriman kepada Allah S.W.T.
Sesetengah golongan kaya sibuk dengan slogan ‘jihad ekonomi’ sehingga lupa jihad yang lebih besar iaitu jihad melawan hawa nafsu. Nabi s.a.w. telah bersabda:
قدمتم من الجهاد الأصغر إلى الجهاد الأكبر مجاهدة العبد هواه
“Kita kembali daripada perang kecil menuju perang besar iaitu seorang hamba berjuang melawan hawa nafsu.”
Maka tidak sewajarnya si kaya memandang rendah si miskin, kerana seperti yang diterangkan bahawa si miskin yang beriman itu besar nilainya di sisi Allah S.W.T.
Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. telah bersabda:
اللهمَّ أحييني مِسكيناً وأمتني مِسكيناً واحشرني في زمرةِ المساكين
“Ya Allah, hidupkandaku dalam keadaan miskin, dan mati aku miskin, dan himpunkan aku di kalangan orang-orang miskin.”,.
Maka kata A‘isyah Radhiyallahu ‘anha: “Kerana apa, ya Rasulullah?” Maka sabdanya: “Bahawasanya mereka itu masuk syurga 40 tahun lebih dahulu daripada orang kaya . Hai A‘isyah, sayangilah orang-orang miskin dan hampiilah mereka itu, nescaya hampir kepada Allah Ta‘ala pada hari kiamat.” .

6. Kekuasaan
Memiliki kuasa,sama ada dia memiliki kuasa besar atau kecil. Kuasa besar itu seperti jadi raja, presiden, perdana menteri, gabenor dan lain-lain lagi. Kuasa kecil seperti jadi pegawai, penghulu, guru besar, guru-guru dan lain-lain lagi. Kuasa yang ada itu sekiranya tidak mempunyai hati yang baik akan mendorongnya menjadi sombong.

7. Pengikut dan penyokong.
Manusia yang hatinya tidak sihat akan merasa hebat apabila dibelakangnya ramai pengikut atau peminat. Keangkuhannya dan kesombongannya bertambah kuat apabila apa yang diperkatakan dan dilakukan sentiasa mendapat sokongan dari pengikut tanpa melihat samada ianya satu kebenaran atau kebatilan.

Justeru, marilah sama-sama kita menjaga hati kita agar sentiasa insaf dan merendah diri biarpun semua perkara di atas menjadi milik kita. Jangan jadikan ia sebab kepada kesombongan dan ketakabburan tetapi jadikanlah ia sebagai sebab untuk kita hampir kepada Allah swt dan menginsafi semua perkara tersebut merupakan ujian daripada Allah swt. Semoga kita berjaya dengan ujian ini dan mendapat keredhaan Allah swt.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

add ler ~

Assalamualaikum ...

Khaifahalukum ?
Hope semua sihat2 ... jg kesihatan coz skrg nie H1N1 tgh melanda ..
ukm pon dah kena x sampai tahap kn tutup g je .

ermm lama dah x tulis kat blog ni ...
bkn pa , x igt password dia ..
skrg br ble buka ...

friendster :
y.m :


~TaNdA MaTi HuSnuL KhAtiMaH ~

1. Mengucapkan kalimah syahadah ketika wafat. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, maksudnya: "Sesiapa yang pada akhir kalimahnya mengucapkan La ilaaha illallah maka ia dimasukkan ke dalam syurga." (Hadis Riwayat Hakim)
2. Ketika wafat dahinya berkeringat. Ini berdasarkan hadis dari Buraidah Ibnul Khasib. Adalah Buraidah dahulu ketika di Khurasan, melihat saudaranya yang tengah sakit, namun didapatinya ia sudah wafat dan terlihat pada jidatnya (dahi) berkeringat, kemudian dia berkata: "Allahu Akbar, sungguh aku telah mendengar Rasulullah bersabda: Matinya seorang mukmin adalah dengan berkeringat dahinya." (Hadis Riwayat Ahmad, an-Nasai, at-Tirmidzi, Ibnu Majah, Ibnu Hibban, Al-Hakim dan ath-Thayalusi dari Abdullah bin Mas'ud)
3. Wafat pada malam Jumaat. Hal ini berdasarkan sabda Rasulullah s.a.w bermaksud:"Tidaklah seorang Muslim yang wafat pada hari Jumaat atau pada malam Jumaat kecuali pastilah Allah menghindarkannya dari seksa kubur." (Hadis Riwayat Ahmad)
4. Mati syahid di dalam medan perang.
5. Mati dalam peperangan fisabilillah.Rasulullah bersabda, maksudnya: "Apa yang kalian kategorikan sebagai orang yang mati syahid di antara kalian?Mereka menjawab: "Wahai Rasulullah yang kami anggap sebagai orang yang mati syahid adalah siapa saja yang mati terbunuh di jalan Allah.Baginda bersabda: "Kalau begitu umatku yang mati syahid sangatlah sedikit."Kalangan sahabat kembali bertanya: "Kalau begitu siapa sajakah dari mereka yang mati syahid wahai Rasulullah?"Baginda menjawab: "Sesiapa yang terbunuh di jalan Allah, yang mati sedang berjuang di jalan Allah dan yang mati kerana penyakit kolera, yang mati kerana penyakit perut (iaitu disebabkan penyakit yang menyerang perut seperti busung lapar atau sejenisnya), dialah syahid dan orang-orang yang mati tenggelam, dialah syahid."(Hadis riwayat Muslim, Ahmad dan al-Baihaqi)
6. Mati disebabkan penyakit kolera. Mengenai ini banyak hadis Rasulullah s.a.w meriwayatkan antaranya sebagai berikut:Rasulullah bersabda, maksudnya: "Penyakit kolera adalah penyebab mati syahid bagi setiap Muslim." (Hadis riwayat Bukhari, ath-Thayalusi dan Ahmad)
7. Mati kerana tenggelam.
8. Mati kerana tertimpa runtuhan/tanah.Dalil dari dua perkara di atas adalah berdasarkan sabda Rasulullah bermaksud: "Kalangan syuhada itu ada lima; orang yang mati kerana wabak kolera, kerana sakit perut, tenggelam, tertimpa runtuhan bangunan dan syahid berperang di jalan Allah." (Hadis riwayat Imam Bukhari, Muslim, at-Tirmidzi dan Ahmad)
9. Perempuan yang meninggal kerana melahirkan anak.
10. Mati terbakar.
11. Mati kerana penyakit busung perut.Mengenai kedua perkara ini banyak sekali riwayat dan yang paling masyhur adalah dari Jabir bin Atik secara marfu': "Kalangan syuhada ada tujuh: Mati terbunuh di jalan Allah, kerana penyakit kolera adalah syahid, mati tenggelam adalah syahid, kerana busung lapar adalah syahid, kerana penyakit perut keracunan adalah syahid, kerana terbakar adalah syahid dan yang mati kerana tertimpa runtuhan (bangunan atau tanah gelongsor) adalah syahid serta wanita yang mati ketika hamil adalah syahid." (Hadis riwayat Imam Malik, Abu Daud, an-Nasa'i, Ibnu Majah dan Ahmad)
12. Mati kerana penyakit Tubercolosis (TBC).Ini berdasarkan sabda Rasulullah s.a.w, maksudnya: "Mati di jalan Allah adalah syahid dan perempuan yang mati ketika melahirkan adalah syahid, mati kerana terbakar adalah syahid, mati kerana tenggelam adalah syahid, mati kerana penyakit TBC adalah syahid dan mati kerana penyakit perut adalah syahid." (Hadis riwayat Thabrani)
13. Mati kerana mempertahankan harta dari perompak. "Sesiapa yang mati kerana mempertahankan hartanya (dalam riwayat lain; Sesiapa menuntut hartanya yang dirampas lalu ia terbunuh) adalah syahid." (Hadis riwayat Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud, an-Nasa'i, at-Tirmidzi, Ibnu Majah, dan Ahmad)
14. Mati dalam membela agama dan jiwa. "Sesiapa mati terbunuh dalam membela hartanya, dia mati syahid; siapa saja yang mati dalam membela keluarganya, dia mati syahid; sesiapa mati dalam membela agama (keyakinannya), dia mati syahid dan siapa saja yang mati mempertahankan darah (jiwanya) dia syahid."
15. Mati dalam berjaga-jaga (waspada) di jalan Allah. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, maksudnya: "Berjaga-jaga (waspada) di jalan Allah sehari semalam adalah lebih baik daripada berpuasa selama sebulan dengan mendirikan (solat) pada malam harinya. Apabila dia mati, mengalirkan pahala amalannya yang dahulu dilakukannya dan juga rezekinya serta aman dari seksa kubur (fitnah kubur)."
16. Orang yang meninggal ketika mengerjakan amal soleh. Semoga kematian kita dalam husnul khatiimah.

InFo HaRiAn MeTrO.


HaTi MaTi ..

Tanda-tanda hati mati Menurut Syeikh Ibrahim Adham, antara sebab atau tanda-tanda hati mati ialah:Mengaku kenal Allah SWT, tetapi tidak menunaikan hak-hak-Nya.Mengaku cinta kepada Rasulullah s.a.w., tetapi mengabaikan sunnah baginda.Membaca al-Quran, tetapi tidak beramal dengan hukum-hukum di dalamnya.Memakan nikmat-nikmat Allah SWT, tetapi tidak mensyukuri atas pemberian-Nya.Mengaku syaitan itu musuh, tetapi tidak berjuang menentangnya.Mengaku adanya nikmat syurga, tetapi tidak beramal untuk mendapatkannya.Mengaku adanya seksa neraka, tetapi tidak berusaha untuk menjauhinya.Mengaku kematian pasti tiba bagi setiap jiwa, tetapi masih tidak bersedia untuknya.Menyibukkan diri membuka keaiban orang lain, tetapi lupa akan keaiban diri sendiri.Menghantar dan menguburkan jenazah/mayat saudara se-Islam, tetapi tidak mengambil pengajaran daripadanya.manusia zahirnya bersih dan baik..namun, andai dibiarkan hatinya kotor dan busuk dek kelalaian duniawi maka hatinya akan mati.."Sesiapa yang melakukan satu dosa, maka akan tumbuh pada hatinya setitik hitam, sekiranya dia bertaubat akan terkikislah titik hitam itu daripada hatinya. Jika dia tidak bertaubat maka titik hitam itu akan terus merebak hingga seluruh hatinya menjadi hitam."(Hadis riwayat Ibn Majah)mengapa hati kita mati??Hati mati kerana tidak berfungsi mengikut perintah Allah iaitu tidak mengambil iktibar dan pengajaran daripada didikan dan ujian Allah. Allah berfirman bermaksud:"Maka kecelakaan besarlah bagi orang yang keras membatu hatinya daripada menerima peringatan yang diberi oleh Allah. Mereka yang demikian keadaannya adalah dalam kesesatan yang nyata."(Surah al-Zumar ayat 22)Hubbul dunia (kasihkan dunia)Lalai daripada zikirullah (mengingati Allah)Membanyakkan makan dan menjatuhkan anggota badan kepada maksiat kepada Allah.dibuai, dihanyut kesoronokan sementara menyebabkan diri manusia alpa. keseronokan yang zahirnya nampak sedikit kesannya, tapi besar impaknya apabila tidak dikawal dan dihindar. akhirnya, antara sedar atau tidak, hati telah mati tanpa kita sedari.setiap penyakit ada penawar..hidupnya hati kerana tiga :Zuhud dengan duniaZikrullah"Iaitu orang yang beriman dan tenteram hati mereka dengan mengingati Allah. Ketahuilah! Dengan mengingati Allah itu tenang tenteramlah hati manusia." (Surah al-Ra'd ayat 28)Bergaul atau berkawan dengan orang yangmukmin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~aduhai diri..tatkala sedari hati kita mati..cepat-cepatlah beristighfar supaya menyedari..tak guna kita mengendahkannya lagi..masih ada waktu untuk kita menyesali..supaya diri lebih diredhai..marilah sama-sama perbaiki diri..sedangkan batu yang keras lagi ditembusi..apatah lagi sekeping hati..yang takutkan allah rabbul izzati.."Kemudian selepas itu, hati kamu menjadi keras seperti batu, bahkan lebih keras lagi. Pada hal antara batu-batu itu ada yang terpancar dan mengalir sungai daripadanya dan ada pula antaranya yang pecah-pecah terbelah lalu keluar mata air daripadanya. Dan ada juga antaranya yang jatuh ke bawah kerana takut kepada Allah sedang Allah tidak sekali-kali lalai daripada apa yang kamu kerjakan."(Surah al-Baqarah ayat 74)



salam...actually i want to share about what happen to me right now...

banyak sangat asgment leni..tak tertahan...bila nak buat ni...kekangan masa menjadi antara faktor..namun begitu..aku...tega melakukan ini semua...aku bisa menyiapkannya ...dengan sempurna.....kebanyakan keja skrang translate jurnal..agak memenatkan..tak mula lagi....
tapi saya dah mula r..taip asgment esei sejarah..oh ya kali ini saya ambil kajian n pensejarahan sumber r kursus minor saya....belajar kt fssk sangat memenatkan..bukan pe...ramai sgt mahasiswa/i kat situ..mata ni tak lepas tau duk tengok pelbagai ragam diorang..hehehehe...

tengok dari segi warna n corak baju kurung, tengok gaya jalan..n lain2...
dulu masa tahun 1...sayer pernah r pakai je kad matrik macam budak tahun 1 leni..sepanjang masa pakai...hahahahha...bila dikenang kembali sungguh indah saat itu....oh ye..korang p tak lepak kt tasik kejut petang22..beriadah ker???

member kata kawasan tue dah cantik skunk..sesuai r untuk joging2...n lain2...pensyarah kate....nak sihat badan tak semestinya joging..kita boleh je..tengok tv, membaca novel,..tonton movie n lain-...kiranye depend to all mof u rrrr...

kali ni nak share pasal memancing sangat ..kali terakhir lakukannya sebelum masuk sem baru sesi ni...kiranya so far so good r..hahhaha...kecewa gak r....skunk tak guna alatan memancing sendiri dah..guna yang sepupu punyer..yang lini, dah jual pada abe ki as my cousin...syng gak jual..tapi nak wat macam ner...skunk..lini p mancing tak sekerap macam zaman sekolah menengah lu..ayah marah!!!.....myb pasal lame kot...kitorang kan kalu memancing..kuar lepas isyak tau...bermalam rr..atas bot..naik je ikan terus siang, basuh, n make a gulai or gril it..tapi itu dulu r...skunk tak lagi..skunk kan..kalu lini nak g pancing jer..mesti apih(adik) teman or p ngans epupu ramai2....

lini punye sedara2 tak kisah r sepupu ke, pok sdara ke, dua tiga pupu ke..kebanyakan minat memancing....belakang umah lini pun ader tali i....tak leh pancing ikan kat laut pun..kitorang p gak mancing kat terusan or tali i....overall ok r....tapi yg pastinyer...lini makan ikan laut ..n tak makan ikan sungai(ikan darat)...mek (nenek) kate..orang puan ni kena belajar makan ikan darat/sungai..tapi ntah lah..tak suke wei.....pernah sekali tu makan ikan haruan tapi yang dah dikeringkan..goreng bersama bawang besar, n hirisan lada gak r....tapi sekali tu jelah...

kat kelantan kan..ikan sungai dikenali as ikan darat..biasanye dimasak lemak cili padi, asam pedas, gulai tempoyak, gulai lengkuas n percik..biasa nyer ikan keli d masak versi percik r....bulan pose jer laku lah sangat ikan keli percik d pekan wakaf bharu, kelantan ni..hehehhee..korang tau tak..ikan keli yang hidup liar kan lebih enak isinye bila dimasak berbanding ikan keli yang ore pelihara...pok di ( pak sedara) katew....biasa nyer adik beradik sebelah ayah..kalu masak ikan darat ke..gulai kepala kambing ke..tentu akan calling2222..adik beradik ayah yang lain...makan ramai2 meriah sikit./...nak bakar bbq sotong ke, udang ker...samalah..ramai2 kumpul umah mek yam....nenek lini sebelah ayah ni.. ngajar budak ngaji...bekas anak murid mek lini r....baca depe mek gak..tajwid tentu ader je kena tegur dulu2..hhihiihihi...biasalah...masih budak..leni baca depn mek yam pun..mash kena tegur....hahhaha....lini punya kalangan sedara2 suka makan belut tau...sup belut atau paprik belut n belut goreng..tapi lini punya ayah . mak tak makan r...kitorang tak suker....eeee.e.....adik laki lini makan..suke je tegok diorang makan....

ayah paling suke makan gulai kerutuk kambing....lagi pedas lagi ayah suker...pokoknyer lini banyak ikut ayah r...tapi tak suke makan gulai kambing..suka makan budu versi cap ketereh...hehehhe..kakak ikut mak..muke mcm keturunan syeikh gitu..hehehehe...diorang suka makan lauk macam arab cikit..genetik kot..sebelah mak..keturunan syed2...ayah kpd mak orang pakistan...tapi lini tak kenal r...sudah arwah..lini masih kecil ag...masa tue...masih baby...

bulan pose aka kunjung tiba ..tapi lini dah rancang nak wat jenis kerepek aper raya nanti..satunyer adalah...
kerepek popia bersalut nestum...
mudah jer..korang cube wat deh....

nestum n gula dikisar halus..n abaikan...
pahtu kulit popia dgoreng gulung kat straw kecil2..pahtu..bila dah ganring ..angkat n toskan..pahtu korang gaul kan ia dalam adunan nestum tadi...simpan dalam bekas yang kedap udara k...takut masuk angin tak leh simpan..yang pasti jngan ngap lu sebelum masuk hari raya pertama k.....

che lining ni.....

salam...hi everyone.....hehehehe...

nice again in our blog....
teman2..nggak mau buat reunion lagi kowww....kali ni kalu nak wat..kita pakat2 g bakar aye lagi deh..tok puas makan hari tue.....gembira n sedih malam akhir tue..jadi nak makan pun kelu...(biar nasi berpinggan tambah pun..hehehhehe)......

korang ader ym ke ape ker..tak dok ag../add ore d k......oh ya lupe nak kasitau.....kpada ct, mar, isma, selamat berkonvo at k..jangan lupe jadilah bakal pejkerja yang baik kelak....jangan ponteng keja plak....hehehhe...

korang sumer kepada budak kelas zh2014 dulu, jangan lupa sentiasa jaga kesihatan n jg diri k....sayo sentiasa merindui kalian hendaknyer...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

tuntut barang! hahahahaha....


syara...zul nk gambar.... tu je...hehehehe

Thursday, July 23, 2009


halo plends...
pa kabar??

syara nak bagi email ym, friendster n facebook syara..

jangan lupa add tau..

miss u all


Monday, July 20, 2009

SaPa aDa BenDa aLah NiE ???

Hi Friends...
result exam pon dah kluar ...amacam??
saja je nk raasmi post B.M kat blog ni ...

Mcm mn skrg bila dah melangkah naik ke thn3..
kejap je kan pejam celik2 dah thn 3 ..isy2

Nk tya sapa ada friendster /y.m ble la kongsi kat sini
ble gak th perkembangan n pgecutan masing2 ...
klu nk bg phone no pon ble gak ..

Bila kita nk buat reunion Foundation set 1 g aa??

Monday, June 22, 2009

hAvE A NIcE dAy!!!

Assalamualaikum ww...

Come on guys...Let's prepair for our trip to go back home toningt...have a nice day friends and don't forget to send my regard to both of your parent...when you me..or text me k...i'll be there for you...especially k.lang, k.milah, k.ina, k.lini, k.huda, k.dayah, k.haida, ain, syara, mar, isma, hana, ct and zul...(^_^)!!!huhu..miss you dear...and happy "balik kampung"...may gOd bless you...

a wAy tO cLOsE WitH sOMEbOdy...(^_^)!!!

Assalamualaikum ww…and a very good day to all of you guy…hehehe…here I would like to share one of the steps to be close with someone… (^_^)!!!So how are you guy???Hope all of you are fine in the pink of health...I think this is my last post for our foundation..but no for our discussion…God willing it will be our part of way to communicate later…
Ok…Back to may post today…
A way to close with somebody…like me..sometimes it quite hard to be close with someone we never meet before…but now I’m realize it’s work when I’ll try to practice it…huhu..
You must…SMILE…like this…(^_^)!!!
You need to SAYS SOMETHING…like…Hi!..Hello..Assalamualaikum ww...hmmm…Depend on situation that you had…
Start to TALK with them about any topic by your situation now..and make the person comfort to talk on you..
You can TOUCH the person…but remember…just touch the same gender only…huhuhu..
And the last one is LOVE…
LOVE them as you love yourself… and god willing they will love you as you love them…
So, have a nice day….
Here a short says as our guide…
To be love someone is nothing,
To be love by someone is something,
To be love by someone you love is exciting,
But to be love by ALLAH is everything…That all and may GOD BLESS u always my lovely friends… (^_^)!!!
By: Nur A'ishah Mohd Sa'ad..(^_^)!!

stANd Up

Let's stand up for Palestine....(^_^)!!!

Oh you stand up! say it together..
None enters paradise save a true believer...
Allah shall support this religion....
With a sinful man with a wicked man...
Some people see barriers....
In classes and in colours...
Some people are wiser...
But some believe they are hollier...
Feel the heart of everyone...
See through our differences...
You and I have the power...
Think good of one another...
So stand up and take our places...
And do what we do better...
Spend sometime to know ourselves....
Help the other...(^_^)!!!

By: Nur A'ishah MOhd Sa'ad...(^_^)!!!

Good Luck Exam

22 June 2009
Foundation English exam

Today our last exam.. huhu.. wish all of you guys all the best
forgive me for any mistake or anything that make you guys hurt.. from the 1st we meet till now..
thanks guys.. nice to meet you all..
sweet moment..


-Siti Katijah -

Thanks Friend

Hallo my friend..
tommorrow will be our last meeting..
& for me, tomorrow is my last day at ukm, attend for final exam.. huhu.. i`m happy..
no more exam.. hehe..
at the same moment, i feel so sad.. its has been 3 years, as a ukm student..and starting tomorrow
i`m not student anymore! haha.. but learning process is everyday & everywhere.. even though we had no more class,
exam to pass, lecture & lecturer.. we are still 'student' for our long journey in our life..
i learnt many new things.. got many friends.. be a part of committe..up & down in exam.. got 'crazy' with thesis & project,
& many sweet moment that i ever had since 3 years at this university..
Many thanx to all my beloved friends who taking good care of me.. all your supportive when i face up & down..
for those who ever being my friend.. i really appreciate it
to my very close & beloved friend, k.ain, sufi, k.ema & k.has.. thanx 4 being my close friend since we were 1st year..
i really love u all.. i`m sure i`ll gonna miss u all when we going out from university..
may Allah bless you all..

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to
new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom.
Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon.
They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints
on our hearts, and we are never ever the same."

-siti katijah-

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Ego Problem

Assalamualaikum wr.wb..

I want to share about the ego problem..

Ever let ego spoil your friendship.
It is no reason to be jealous
if your friend
is not at all able to speak to you
and is with someone else,
you have to be
his/her friend,
do not expect word of gratitude
from the person you think is
your friend.

Sometimes there could be a clash between you and your friend,
you both stop talking to each other for some time,
it is not at all wrong to
speak first
and say sorry to your friend,
no matter what happens.



History is the study of the past,
with special attention to the written record of the activities of human beings over time.
Scholars who write about history are called historians.
It is a field of research which uses a narrative to examine and analyse the sequence of events, and it often attempts to investigate objectively the patterns of cause
and effect that determine events.
Historians debate the nature of history and the lessons history teaches.
A famous quote by George Santayana has it that
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
" The stories common to a particular culture,
but not supported by external sources
(such as the legends surrounding King Arthur)
are usually classified as cultural heritage
rather than the "disinterested investigation"
needed by the discipline of history.


-: ExaM :-

assalamualaikum and good morning to all my freinds...we will exam tomorrow and tomorrow also our last meeting in this sem...owh..i'm really sad and i will remember all our memory and our met before Fikri, Latif, Halim, Poji, Faisal, Aisyah, Ain, Hana, Ismahana, Zul, Lini, Syara, Ina, Bashi, Haida, Dayah, Kak Huda, Siti and Mar i want to apologize if i have made mistake to all of you....please forgive me.... Foundation English exam tomorrow, do the best and pray for Allah give us succesful in our result...God Willing....

tomorrow at night 22/6 at 10 o'clock i want to back today i must pack all my things in my much...ok freinds...see you all in next sem insyaallah...bye...

jamilah bt ku ahmad


* To be a perfect people.... huhu
* To have high self confidence.
* Have a broad experience in life compare to others students.
* Have a chance to learn and handle weapon such as rifle, machine gun, grenade launcher and manymore.
* Teach about decipline.
* Have their own credibility and personality compare with others students that dont join the ROTU.
* Teach about the meaning of a struggling life.
* Produce a sense of respect between one and others.
* Teach to work as a team and responsibility to our freinds.



Monday is which days really awaited. examination and continue to go back to homeland. in my village is able petrified mother and can meet with friends I missed. going back to hometown this time I shall continue works fertilize palm trees in my mother garden.I like works in garden because it would be able comforting I chaotic in UKM. HEHEHEHE.....since school anymore I like to garden. this is because garden is my activity at home apart from gardening was stroll together friend and join activity in my village. income revenue and his works very delight. impatient his sense I want to return homeward this Monday .. hehehehe..... tatata...



I want apologize with friends for as long as we hereto. with cackle . with cry . all we together face all upcoming challenge and resistance. I as a average man do not miss with everything offence and mistake with my attitude such have possibly felt heart and hurt with my words. I ask very apology in friends. my attitude of course like this. hard, rough, outspoken and ill-mannered. pray I so that could change attitude this so that become a pious. I pray friends of all safe wade life and safe journey learn and safe have a job. FRIENDS FOREVER.. ALL OF YOU FIXED hearts I reach Whenever. for exam in monday goodluck...


Happy Father's Day - Basyirah Hj Hassan A117374

I want to wish happy father's day to my dad Almarhum Hj Hassan and all dads in the world.
Dad when I kids you always take care of me , give education , money and love . For me you are the best dad in the world. I always remember all your advice to study hard and smart and be a good muslimah . When I miss you I will pray and recite the Quran for you . I pray you peace in Jannah .
You may have thought I didn't see,
Or that I hadn't heard,
Life lessons that you taught to me,
But I got every word.
Perhaps you thought I missed it all,
And that we'd grow apart,
But Dad, I picked up everything,
It's written on my heart.
Without you, Dad, I wouldn't beThe (woman)(man) I am today;
You built a strong foundationn No one can take away.
I've grown up with your values,
And I'm very glad I did
So here's to you, dear father,
From your forever grateful kid.
Basyirah Hj Hassan


Hello everyone, my name’s Mohamad Fauzi, Fauzi for short. I’m 21 years old. At the moment I’m a in my second year studies in the Al-Quran Educational Programs in Faculty of Education at National University of Malaysia .These are some of big plans for my future such as my ambition, family and target in my life for my parents.
First of all, about my ambition. From secondary school I have dreamt to be a lecturer or a teacher.My personal opinion, this job have same target and objective because this job just teach a student and the individual in this job must be patient and responsible student. Besides that, a teacher must also be confident and have good communication skill to tackle the students.

After that, in my future also I want to get married. I don’t care who will be my wife .The most important character for me is have good background about religion, kind and understand me .As we all know, all people in the world want to live happily with their own family with wife and children. So, same with me and I dream in my life, I want to have five children.

Last but not least, about my target in my life. I want to bring my parents go to Makah to perform hajji. I want to bring them to visit all interesting places in Makah and Medina. Furthermore, I also want to get a bungalow for my parents. I know, whatever I do for my parents is not only to repay their good deeds but I want to see my parents happy and proud with their children.

To get ambition and future plan I will hard working in studies. I will learn as a many knowledge in my life. I will put in the board and in my diary also. I am looked every time will motivate me in my life.

However, not get future plan not achieve. I will try reaplace an other plan. I don’t care about it because I just hope I like in future is good and make my life ealier. Lastly, those are several dreams in my life and the reasons why I want to have all of them .I hope, I will get what I dream. As the saying goes “Aim the target, set a goal”.



narrated by Usman bin affan r.a, prophet Muhammad S.A.W "say the better amongst you is one that learning the Al-quran and teach the Al-quran".

explaination :

from this hadith, the prophet Muhammad S.A.W say that someone that learn and at the same time he/her is teaching the Al-quran is a person that was love by Allah and his messenger. learning the Al-quran is not just to read it, but also to understand and try to practice the teaching of Al-quran at all by any means necessary. Allah has sent his book ( Al-quran ) to be as a guide to all humankind. There are a lot of problem that the muslim is facing nowdays, because they do not return the problem to the Al-quran and as-sunnah..this make, the islamic ummah is very weak..this happen because the islamic ummah are no longer practice the real teaching of as already showed by the prophet S.A.W and his sahabat..I hope, we as a servant of Allah, and also someone that have faith to Allah and his messenger, we must practice all of the teaching of Al-quran and As-sunnah and reject all other teaching that are not accepted by Islam.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Xperia handphone

my handphone

i own a handphone that can be say as quite expensive. There are some people say that,by buy this handphone is waste of money..but, thats not a problem to me, even it is a need to using this phone, there are a lot of function as an example it can be used to surf the internet, gps , microsoft office and many more function that it capable to adopt..the advantages of using this phone, i can save a lot of note that in word or power point and i can read that note in my free time at any places..this are some explanation to all about my handphone.. it is not an expensive phone show that i was a rich person, but this phone is very useful and a need by my opinion..



..hai my dear friend,..i want to tell you all one 16 December 1985, one child was born in the world. this cild very perfect and nice, this child is a boy.. his parent give his name is ''faisal''..hehehe.

..that boy the olders brother this is family..obsblutly his parent very heppy when his born in the world. when he was ten years old, this boy very active and noughty..hehehe.but he is not bad you nkow.

..his mother tell him abaut story when he was a adult at day. know he was thinking abaut his story, dificult his parant to care him self when he was a cild.

..know he was young man, first thing in his mind he want to help his parent..he want give his parent happful everyday..

hehehe..thats all this time to me, its just litle story for me..

''wan khairul faisal''a120379

My Favorite Fruit

fruit season is coming,is the time i waiting for along time.i feel very happy because i can eat a variety of father own a fruit garden..there are durians, mango, mangosten, an pineapple, banana, and rambutan in the garden.the most favorite fruit that i like is durian..because, the taste of the fruit is very tasty compare to the other fruit..the other fruit is mangosten..even though the tree is quite high to get the fruit, but i still will try to get the fruit, even i have to climb the tree..i feel very exited to go back after the exam to meet all my fruits...yahoooo!!!

posted by : ABDUL LATIIF BIN IBRAHIM (A116586)


Yesterday,my friends and I went to cat murtabak Singapore at mamak stell.That was the first time I eat there because my friends that gave idea to me to try the 'murtabak' at there.The reality is's quite good, it not I will never finished ate it there. But do you never know how much the price of the murtabak?The price for three layer murtabak was RM 14.00...huhuhuhu..only three of us eat it and I was very full.The murtabak was large and it got many sauces..ermm..most of Johorians love to eat that because my friend and her boyfriend are Johorians.Furthermore,her boyfriend likes to eat murtabak Singapore so much. So, what do you thing about 'murtabak Singapore'?Do you ever teste it?...


our : haslini binti mohd nor...

hye guys....i want to share our photo also...hehehehe.
aja-aja fighting....


Tit…!tiit…!.my alarm was ringing.Every wednesday I woke up early because I had assembly with my Reserve Officer Training Unit or in the well know name as ROTU at Panggung Seni, DECTAR, National University of Malaysia. Usually Every Wednesday three of stage ROTU likes senior, intermediate, and junior would gather here to make a march.

This situation had happened around 6.00 a.m until 7.30 am. As we all know, My personal opinion, whatever I do ROTU is new experience because before this I hadn’t be a leader in Uniform Society even though at my primary school. So I accepted this job as my challenge in my life. Usually, I had finished to do all this job around 7.45 am. After that, I had prepared my class at 8.00 p.m. For your information, this semester I just had two class at Wednesday. First class at at 8.00 p.m for class skill for Arabic in Education and second class at 5.00 p.m until 7.00 p.m for System Governance in Islamic class. So, I don’t have problem to manage my time to do my responsible as a student and a leader in ROTU. After the class I go to jog around UKM to maintain our fitness in ROTU. It different with other day. After going to pray at mosque, I came back to my room and start to do revision or some work had not finish until midnight.

Thats all a day in my life in Wednesday every week. The day really to show me as a ROTU members in UKM.


~~~sweet memories~~~ from :: Mardhiah Bt Jaafar ::

goOd LucK to all my friends....

hello...i don't have many ideas to write because I'm not in the really good mood right, i just want to say good luck to all student set one for our final this Monday...i hope we can do our best...don't forget to study smart..hehehehe..this is the countdown for what we had learn at think that's, good luck girl and guys...

from :: Mardhiah bt Jaafar ::


Assalamualaikum to all my friends...i can't sleep tonight because i was slept a day lenght. So, what should i do??hehehe...tonight i want to talk about give a forgiveness to others..

Allah S.W.T as our god had said in holy al-Quran.." don't you like Allah forgive your sins??" Actually, this sentence ask us that we like or not Allah forgive us?..The answer is, we want it right? huhu...who don't want Allah forgive their sins, including the infidels..

So, if we want that, our friends also like us. How could we want something from others but at same time we never give it. its not fair right? I have heard from my friends that he always try to apologise to all his friends before he go to sleep at night. Do you know why? what will happen if we die when we sleeping? His suggestion is right because when talk about sins, its divide to:
1) sin with Allah
2) sin with human

so, what i want to say here is, when we had a sins with human, the sin only will disappear when they forgive each other..If its not happen, we will sinned forever and ever..Wallahu a'lam





sweet memory...BBQ NIGHT....




Last week, I went back to my hometown. I was very happy to see my parents and my siblings there. I went home by travelling with my eldest brother as he was also wanted to go home too. The trip to go Kelantan took a long tome because of traffic schools holiday was coming...I was very fed up and very bored during the trip..

But, when I got home,,I was happy because I could enjoyed eating my favourite food and had opportunity to eat my mom"s cook. Furthermore, I could eat "budu" ..huhuhu..I was also had time to have a visit my grandfather's at my village and walked at Pengkalan Kubur. I just went for a window shopping without buying anything as the price of things there were expensive in school's holiday. In this holiday season also, many feast near my home..I was also got chance to attend one of my father's friend feast. But I not have time to go marriadge feast at Haida's house because I was to tired because the banquet began whole I just got'm so sorry Haida..I was so tired . I will repay it by attend to your marriage..ok..hihihiihihi...



Today, i would like to talk about what our prophet had said, or we call it hadith. He had said that " World is a pleasure place, but as good as pleasure is holy woman( wanita solehah).

So, from this hadith, we got know that holy woman is thw best pleasure(keseronokan), but do we realise about this? Most of us think that the pleasure is like dance, sing, buy an expensive car, get a handsome or beutiful couple, big house, a lot of money, girls and anything. All thats because they forgot that they will die at the end.we not life forever and ever. We must confident and believe that all of us will die and the permanentn place is afterworld. so, what we must do to face that??

Here, i want to discuss about the hadith above. It not just for woman, but for men also.for woman, they must be a holy woman, and for men necessarily they want and they must have an instint to get a holy women.

Do you know who is holy woman? A holy woman not just someone who wear clothes that cover all parts of their bodies,like what was said by fikry hakim before. its just a part of holy woman features. The holy woman is someone who practise all about islam and what was teach by islam in thier life like their religious worship, social intercourse, relationship among human and many more. Someone who wear a full clothes never means that she is a holy woman if she not pactise the whole of islamic rules in their life like.

so, to all my friends, come with me. We go together to get what had said by our prophet. If we get and be the holy woman we will happy in this world and the most important is at the worldafter(akhirat).